Wednesday, September 12, 2007

blessings on this tuesday

causes for extra joy today:

-a boy in my dance class wearing a shirt bearing only the word SMILE
-running into a friend on campus who said very genuinely, "I'm happy to see you!"
-riding my bike in my blue dress
-smiling with my eyes and sometimes with my lips at strangers who pass and then receiving a smile in return (and vice versa)
-meeting a man during my walk to Newman who was on his way to view the sunset. (He liked the color of my bike!) He told me about the weather in Europe and how the he is grateful for the warmth the sun emits in Berkeley.
-dinner with Lisa! (an appearance by you always makes my day better)
-singing at Seekers...specifically standing next to Fr. Charlie because he was singing a little off just to make me laugh. I couldn't get through one song without cracking a smile and then breaking into hysterics.
-having an old friend trust in me again, that was one of the nicest details of the day. I felt valued in being a confidant to one I care about.
-tea and cake at Au Coquelet
-listening to David Hernandez's ideas; he is truly amazing. If I possess even a fraction of his intelligence and passion for life, then that will be an accomplishment.
-running into Joe and Jo :-)
-understanding that my insignificance and significance in the world exist simultaneously

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