Sunday, January 24, 2010


If you haven't noticed, my life is one recently.
Actually this year is infused with super highs and intense lows.
It seems as if they occur every other day.
Today, I was in love with everything about my life.
But on Thursday, I could barely muster up the energy/courage to smile.
Never can I recall being so hot and cold on such a frequent basis!

In other news, my house did the enneagram the other night. I came out as a nine. The mediator. The peace seeker.

Because I've failed miserably at putting up photos in the recent past, here are some to appease your appetites.

Oh Those RED rocks of Sedona!


You're telling me!!

This place actually exists!

The opposite of Chaos Theory

The Shatarupa

Christmas Breakfast!

These two....
Oh Vic!
My return to SF
I only wish I knew what was said immediately before this...Mike?
Classic Art Hughes
we love weddings don't we Ben?!
Nick does too.
I think they tie for my favorite person.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

It's one of those

give ya' a run for your money days!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

should i follow?

only time can give me a comprehensive answer

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


I can either write about something amazing or something incredibly frustrating.
I'm toying with both and neither.

In one part of my life, I am so strikingly shocked and overjoyed that I smile intensely whenever I think about it. An unexplainable blessing recently arrived and released my soul from some very rusty old chains.

In another aspect, I think God is trying super hard to push me over the edge. I'm so ravaged that I am at a loss for words. It's a fruitless, awful feeling to be stripped of all patience and courage and strength.

Nothing like being on two entirely different ends of the spectrum simultaneously huh?!