Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Wedding photos!

In case you didn't know, my best friend got married on June 20th in Utah.
Here's to an amazing eternity together Leila and Zach!

Isn't she lovely?

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

separation anxiety

in an effort to purge unnecessary items from my life and just do some needed cleaning out before the rest of my things are moved home, i am finding it difficult to let go. i am going through old notebooks, readings, and papers from the past 4 years. i always feel like i'll go back and read my favorite assigned articles again or that i will want to reference something one of my professors said. the only way to safeguard against lost information in the future is to save it all. but yikes! this is becoming impossibly excessive. for heaven's sake IT'S GOOD TO LET GO. alas, i'm recycling all (okay... almost all) of my notebooks. even though they contain so much VALUABLE information. i am thoroughly contemplating which readings i will actually ever do again. i hope i don't regret these moves later in life when i am trying to refer to that awesome anatomy professor in conversation and just can't remember that silly comment she made the day she was teaching about clavicles, etc. honestly!, it seems like i don't over-think or over-analyze anything in my life except when i'm trying to get rid of things. sheesh. and now, all of these papers are making their way into the recycle bin. bye bye hours, days, months, and years of written knowledge...i hope some of you still reside in the back alleys of my memory.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

more quotes:

Adam: What's one million plus one million?
Zachary: Two thousand!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Last night I had a dream that I found that missing necklace!
awesome until I awoke.

The night before I dreamt that I was late to Leila's wedding.
awful until I awoke.

Monday, June 15, 2009

wise words from the 4 year olds

I hear the greatest things some days.

Take today for example:

Adam randomly asks while coloring, "What about if people were Christmas trees and Christmas trees were people?"
Zachary responds in a very nonchalant manner, "Things would be just the same."

While looking into the end of the hose Daniel says, "Water? Are you there?"

A few days ago:

After being introduced to a substitute teacher named Mary during circle time, Neomi looks over at the other kids and says, "Mary...like Mary Poppins! Do you hear the Mary?"

Adam led us in the entire song Yellow Submarine by the Beatles during circle the other day. He sang all of the lyrics without fail! And yes it was glorious!

Sunday, June 14, 2009


i've come to the realization that i'm invested.
what the hell am i supposed to do now?

Zoo trip! (May 24)

In true Juliette fashion, I'm publishing pictures ages after the event actually occured. Enjoy!

flamingos will always and forever remind me of leila

Kookaburra sits on the old gum tree
Merry merry king of the bush is he
Laugh Kookaburra, laugh Kookaburra
Gay your life must be

Kookaburra sits on the old gum tree
Eating all the gumdrops he can see
Stop Kookaburra, stop Kookaburra
Stop save some for me

in dire need of a coke

i just thought this was funny....Go Bears!

manipulation at its finest

rhino meets rhino

the constant visitor and attention stealer. aka: Narcissus of the zoo

what a life of drama they lead!

album cover shot

upside down tree!!!

my favorite :D
so placid and congenial

Monday, June 8, 2009

It's been awhile...

I realize that I have SO many pictures to post and it is really overwhelming, so I'm just going to start with today and work my way backwards.

So today Annie brought a butterfly into the house. After letting it catch up on the news, we took it back outside to fly!

Robert said the lighthouse at Point Bonita is only open on full moons. So, we made a brief trip over to Marin to check it out.

OH MY GOODNESS! I found a goldmine in the form of books in the house today. I literally became giddy and sad simultaneously. I started reading immediately, but also realized that I only have 2 weeks left here and will not possibly finish all of the amazing books I want to read on this shelf. All the good ones were right next to each other too!!!