Tuesday, March 24, 2009

life in the rice paddies

Yesterday I got to ride around fresno with my dad in his truck after he picked me up from the train station. He was craving a mid-afternoon snack, therefore I scored a small ice-cream cone out of the deal. I started asking him what life on the farm was like for him growing up. Apparently it was very hot with air infused by mosquitos from the soppy, drenched fields! Haha, my favorite quote: "My dad used me to block a levee once while he threw mud on it to try and fix it." I realize that life on a farm on the outskirts of Merced was much less romantic and funny than it sounds in stories told by my father and his sisters, but occasionally I still wish I had grown up like that. He also elaborated on how his dad built him a butterfly kite out of bamboo wood taken from the river! One day, I too will build a kite!

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