Tuesday, February 5, 2008

on a recommendation to stay home from seekers:

extreme fatigue has been reigning lately.
i slept through almost the WHOLE superbowl
and most of the day today.
doctor appointment tomorrow,
hopefully they'll tell me when i can have my energy back.
ENERGY: it's part of my core being. i'm not me without immense amounts of it.
my mom told me to take a rest tonight and not go do the whole
"hello, welcome to seekers" routine.
so here i am, at home on a tuesday night.
anyways, along with all the good reading i have to do
are a lot of good pictures to view.
here are some from winter break that should have made an appearance a long time ago:

"who are you trying to be with those red shoes...jo?"- lisa

riding in the back of the truck gave me new perspectives on life

my favorite still shot from that little movie

such a great fort!

my sister makes the best fish faces

we like to color when we go to restaurants

1 comment:

Joanna said...

I <3 riding in the backs of trucks with Juliette Hughes! Let's do that again please. Hope the doctor reinstated your energy :)