Friday, July 18, 2008

settling back into country style

i love love love the bubble that is berkeley.
and the fact that when i'm there my worries are about getting my reading done/figuring out what i believe in/trying to eat healthy/etc etc.

it's interesting. i've spent the last few years since i moved away from madera condemning it for all the problems that it has. but over the past few days, i've noticed how people care here. how people are trying. how things take time. how during certain times of life it is nice to just relax. there is an appropriate time for fun. people here know the value of a dollar. they know how to work for it and support themselves. that's more than i can say for my sorry self.

but i'm learning. taking something from my roots and the people around me now. and adding it to all that berkeley has been instilling in me for three years.

separating the meaningless from the things of value.

trying to remember where i came from and why it is important to relate to all that is here.

not forgetting who i was, but also remembering that that's no longer who i am.

this is turning out to be quite the interesting, yet incredibly UNeventful summer.
i'm looking forward to returning to the beautiful berkeley
my spirit renewed.

1 comment:

la said...

i drove back to pleasant hill last night to run an errand and had a similar moment as i passed through the hills of lafayette...there's something very meaningful about coming home.

living in an urban city, it's true that the hustle and bustle makes the atmosphere a little impersonal, and sometimes even a little rude. the world of suburbia isn't really where i'm at in my life right now, but it always makes for a refreshing visit...