Friday, September 11, 2009

What does it mean to count my blessings?

It means to understand that I live in abundance.
Not in riches or glory, but abundance nonetheless.

I have good food to eat every night and friends to dine with.
I have a shower and soap to cleanse myself with at the end of the day.
I have a bed to sleep in.
I have all the amenities of a comfortable lifestyle that I could possibly imagine.
I will not say that I can’t complain, because I can and do.
I will not even say that I don’t deserve to complain; everyone knows when their life could use some improvement.

What I will say is this:
I live in abundance.
I have chosen my life.
Everything I lack is because I decided that I can live without it.
I’ve done this to learn.
I’ve done this to appreciate my life more.
I’ve done this to release myself from reliance upon material items.
I’ve done this to introduce myself to a new way of thinking.
A life which is flexible and can compromise.
A life which seeks opportunity and does not dwell on what it lacks.
A life that is mature enough to know the distinguishing characteristics between true needs and wants.

Let me ask you this:
Do you know a girl, who comes to school with no underwear because her mom can’t afford any?
I do.
Do you know a 27 year old mother of three who is homeless?
I do.
Do you know a child who eats two servings of both breakfast and lunch at school because there is barely any food at her own apartment?
I do.
Do you know a confused, upset single mother who can’t rid her apartment of bedbugs and whose one year old son gets bit by them nightly?
I do.
Do you know a boy who only finds solace in his teacher, who is more nurturing than his own self-obsessed mother?
I do.

Think about the realities of your life?
What is your biggest problem?
Is it really irresolvable?
Is it really worth getting upset over?
Do you not already have everything you honestly need?
Have you not been blessed beyond belief?

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